How to remove vinyl from your car ? 


· car vinyl wraps,car wrap vinyl,automobile sticker,auto wrappen,vinyl wraps

1. Remove the car wrap vinyl from the entire panel's edge with a plastic scraper. The surface of car film appears abrasive at first, but fades after a few minutes.

2. Using a heat gun, evenly heat the car wrap's surface to around 120 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius). The adhesive will soften and you will be able to remove it. To make sure you're not overheating, use a non-contact infrared thermometer. Overheating can cause excess glue to attach to the surface.

3. Pull the vinyl wrap away from the edge at a significant angle of 15 to 20 degrees. When pulling the car vinyl becomes harder, reheat it and try again.

4. Finally, remove the exhaust car vinyls with the tool.